Management Committee conducts First Quarter Meeting

The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) Management Committee (ManCom) conducted a joint site inspection for the possible area for the construction of Regional Technical Operation Center (RTOC) Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Building in Baguio City on February 20, 2023 as part of the activity for the four-day ManCom Meeting.

Executive Director Dr. Clarita M. Sangcal together with the ManCom team paid a courtesy visit with Regional Executive Director Dr. Cameron P. Odsey of the DA- Regional Field Office (RFO) Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) on Monday afternoon.

The first quarter ManCom Meeting will focus on the preparation of NMIS programs, targets, and budget proposals for FY 2024 as well as updating on the status implementation of NMIS Programs, Projects and Activities, and Budget Utilization; and identifying and resolving current issues and concerns in the implementation of policies and programs. ### (J.Cambe)

Photo: C. Sombrito


Mancom 2023

Mancom 2023


Mancom 2023