Newly hired Meat Inspector (MI) III employees of the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) took oath on July 1, 2021 via Zoom.


Dr. Jocelyn A. Salvador, OIC-Executive Director of NMIS, administered the oath at the Meat Inspection Board (MIB) room of the NMIS. Also present at the MIB room are Atty. Beata Humilda O. Obsioma, Deputy Executive Director for Administration and Finance, and Engr. Erwin A. Ruiz, Supervising Administrative Officer.


For the opening message, Dr. Orlando C. Ongsotto, Deputy Executive Director for Field Operations, who attended the ceremony via Zoom, commended the newly hired MIs “for being able to hurdle the selection process.” He added that the main challenge of the job is that the MIs might be assigned to regions away from their families and homes.



Dr. Salvador followed Dr. Ongsotto’s opening message with an inspirational message. To remind the newly hired MIs, Dr. Salvador said to them that “you should value your job at the NMIS because you are considered lucky to have a permanent position at a government agency during a pandemic.” She said that there will be temptations in the field, but they have to maintain their integrity and value honesty because one’s damaging action can ruin the whole NMIS.


Engr. Ruiz’s closing message assured the new employees that the administrative division will provide them with everything they need to be able to perform their duties.


The oath-taking ceremony will be succeeded by an onboarding orientation. Starting July 5, 2021 to August 6, 2021, the MIs will take the Basic Meat Inspection Course (BMIC), which will be conducted and facilitated by the Human Resource Development (HRD) and the Meat Standards and Development Consumer Protection Division (MSDCPD) of the NMIS.


The new MIs are: Mr. Jerome R. Picardo, Mr. Marvin E. Doles, Ms. Gem J. Pagnas, Ms. Regine R. Lantaca, Mr. Anthony S. Echalico, Ms. Teresa O. Estibaya, Ms. Agnes Liberty Cabanisas, Ms. Jonazyl R. Jumantoc, Ms. Katherine Lyka Y. Panizales, Mr. Melchor B. Ocdenaria, Mr. Ed Gerome A. Borja, and Mr. Leo L. Badilla.


The MIs will be deployed on August 9, 2021 after the BMIC.



Written by: Alexandra D. Robel, July 1, 2021