Look II Executive Director Dr. Clarita M. Sangcal, and Planning, and Information Management Division (PIMD) Chief, Dr. Easter F. Oblena visited the Regional Technical Operation Center (RTOC) V (Nmis Bicol Region) and Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA) last March 2, 2023. Personnel of RTOC V had a short meeting with Dr. Sangcal to discuss the issues and concerns in the region. With the recent appointment of Dr. Domingo Bartolome D. Gonzaga as Director II, Dr. Sangcal assured them of the management’s support to his leadership and that the Central Office would maintain its lines open in working hand in hand with the region. On the same day, Professor Ilene B. Mirabeles, DVM, PhD of CBSUA- College of Veterinary Medicine welcomed Dr. Sangcal, Dr. Oblena, Dr. Gonzaga, Dr. Mateo Puatu and Dr. Alex Templonuevo during their visit at the campus’ Veterinary Teaching Hospital. NMIS officials encouraged the veterinary students to take part in promoting meat safety and to consider NMIS as one of their career pathway in the future. ###

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