• NMIS2023

Gonzaga, Cagayan champions accreditation of 3 “A” meat establishment in Cagayan Valley 

The National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) awarded the License to Operate (LTO) of three (3) “A” meat establishments to the Municipality of Gonzaga, Cagayan Province on May 2, 2024. Executive Director Dr. Clarita M. Sangcal commended the Gonzaga Local Government Unit (LGU) headed by Municipal Mayor Hon. Marilyn S. Pentecostes for its commitment to provide safe and quality meat to its people. “Meat Safety is a synergetic of collaborative efforts of both the National Agency and the LGU” Executive Director Sangcal emphasized. 

Cagayan 2024

Gonzaga Slaughterhouse, Somera Mini Dressing Plant, Ereñas Dressed Chicken Trading were awarded with “A” LTO valid for two years subject for submission of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP) Manuals after one year. Regional Technical Operation Center (RTOC) II Cagayan Valley Regional Technical Director Dr. Ronnie Ernst A. Duque assured its continued partnership and support to the local government of Gonzaga on the regulation of meat inspection and hygiene. Gonzaga Vice-Mayor Jessie Gaspar, Dr. Myka Ponce of Cagayan Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO), along with Dr. January M. Nones, Dr. April B. Chavez, Dr. Sheridan I. Fulgencio of NMIS Central Office and RTOC II personnel also graced the awarding ceremony. ###

